
Archivio Categoria: Art & Lifestyle

Integrating contemporary art into daily life and modern interiors.

Hai in programma di comprare un quadro per la tua casa? Ecco cosa considerare

Buying a painting for your home is a decision that can significantly impact the atmosphere and aesthetics of your space. A piece of art can add character, color, and depth to any room. However, choosing the right painting can seem overwhelming, especially with the vast variety of styles, techniques, and artists available. In this article, […]

L'arte dell'esclusività: perché solo sette copie?

At 7 Artworks, our devotion to contemporary art permeates every aspect of our operation, from selecting artists to presenting their masterpieces. One of the most distinctive features of our gallery is the decision to offer only seven copies of each artwork. This intentional choice reflects our deep belief in the value and significance of rarity in the art world.